The Importance Of Greeting Cards Revealed!

Being diverse when it comes to your direct mail is a great strategy to employ, no matter what industry you’re in. Yes, portrait A4 brochures are appealing to many, but you should always have more than one string to your bow – and this could well include the posting of greeting cards to your target market.

Writing for the Marketing Interactive website, Teo Hong Jun – art director at agency Up & Up – explained that when the company launched back in 2003 it sent out direct mailers to its customer base over Christmas.

What was noticed immediately was that interest in this kind of material simply wasn’t there because the recipients were being sent countless gifts because of the festive season… and the direct mailers were getting lost in the throng.

To tackle the issue, the agency decided to start sending out Chinese New Year greetings cards instead, wishing everyone a happy Lunar New Year in a really memorable way. This later evolved into the sending out of more personal cards with pictures of employees’ desks and a bit of info about them.

As a result of this initiative, the agency was called in to pitch for at least three accounts – so as you can see, little tweaks to your direct mail can make a very big difference indeed.

Do some research into the latest trends for cards to see what people are responding to, then sit down and try and design some of your own. You might be pleased with the results – and if it helps bring in new customers, the idea certainly isn’t to be sneezed at.